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Female, 37 years, born on 9 November 1987

Uralsk, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Administrator, Personal Assistant, Translator, Technical Specialist

  • Interpreter

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: shift schedule, rotation based work

Work experience 9 years 6 months

May 2012December 2015
3 years 8 months
Oil Consultants

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Technical Specialist
- Quality control of data, including data files in ASCII or other formats - Surface observation of wellhead pressure, separator parameters, oil and gas flow. - Plannning of method and sequence of operations to acquire data, and sets up required electronic data acquisition, test, and measurement equipment and accessories
November 2009May 2012
2 years 7 months
Halliburton International Inc, Expro Group

Aksay (Kazakhstan), www.halliburton.com

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Data Acquisition Specialist
- Submitting daily field well test report to client - Providing the planning necessary for the job. - To participate in safety meetings, operations meetings
August 2007November 2009
2 years 4 months

Oil and Gas... Show more

Operatiions Secretary
- Assist the Operations Manager in organizing the administrative – operations activity - Translation and interpretation (meetings, technical documentation, letters) - Travel coordination, visa support, dealing with Immigration Police - Assist HR Coordinator (timekeeping, work permits, business trip documents, medicals, preparation and submitting reports to Government Authorities). - Archiving and submitting to archive all office documentation (Operations, HR, Finance) - Booking of flights and hotel reservation - Reception duties - Registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence - Typing and Word processing - Creating and maintaining filing systems -using a variety of software packages, such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, etc., to produce correspondence and documents and to maintain presentations, records, spreadsheets and databases.
April 2007August 2007
5 months
Oral Service Business Consulting

Educational Institutions... Show more

- Reception, routing dealing with clients - Recruitment, registration of CVs - Searching for eventual customer - Assistance in projecting and organizing of advertising, PR operations, distribution in MSM (local TV, radio, papers) - Assistance in realization of seminars and trainings “Skill of Presentation”, “Lead Up HR Manager”, “The Role of Manager in the Сompany”
July 2006April 2007
10 months
Private company "Viktor"
Computer Operator
- Typing and formatting tender documentation


Skill proficiency levels
Кадровый менеджмент
Планирование рабочего дня руководителя
Исполнение личных поручений руководителя
Written Translation
Presentation skills
Прием и распределение звонков
Административная поддержка руководителя
MS Outlook
Business English
Кадровое делопроизводство
Организация деловых поездок
Деловая переписка
1С: Предприятие 8

About me

- Flexible, hardworking - Keen to learn, ready for challenges - Amiable, benevolence, honest - Aim-orientated, striving for self-improvement - Excellent communicative skills

Higher education

Oil and Gas, Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields
Utemissov West Kazakhstan State University
Pedagogical, Foreign Language



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

GermanA1 — Basic

KazakhA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Woman Leadership
Halliburton University, Leadership
Certificate “Internal Audit according to ISO standards МС ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007”
Expro, QAQC Training

Tests, examinations

Diploma cum laude, GPA 3.88
Utemissov West Kazakhstan State University, Foreign languages (English & German)

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Denmark, Kazakhstan, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter