BUREAU VERITAS - Kazakhstan Office
Atyrau, www.bureauveritas.com
E&I Engineer (Fuel facilities)
E&I Engineer (Fuel facilities)
The E&I Engineer shall perform the supervision and coordination of E&I maintenance and repair services. The E&I Engineer responsibilities include, but not limited to:
1. Routine E&I Maintenance:
• Ensure arranging of works and operation of electrical installations in compliance with the requirements of PUE (Electrical installation code), PTB (safety rules), PTE (operational regulations), TCO standards. Participates in the audits on PTW, LOTO and routine duties of Business Partners operational personnel as per TCO Safety instructions and involve the subject matter experts if / when required.
• Coordinate Business Partners services for the installation and maintenance of process E&I equipment at Company’s facilities.
• Coordinate Business Partners E&I equipment maintenance.
• Coordinate faults or arranging for replacements to be installed, troubleshoot issues.
• Coordinate in the cause analysis of increased equipment wear, its downtime as well as in the investigation of emergencies and incidents, development, and execution of activities for their elimination and prevention.
• Coordinate Business Partners work schedule and activities of E&I maintenance and repair.
• Support quality operation and timely execution of routine inspections and tests, preventive, and major repairs of electrical equipment, as well as reviews test and inspection reports, data sheets, certification of electrical equipment.
• Conduct verification of schedules for equipment, machinery, parts.
• Control calibrating instruments to ensure compliance
• Coordinate Business Partners in finding and fixing faults and recalibrating instruments.
• Carry out quality inspections. Conduct Verification and Validation on site.
• Verifying technical condition of equipment and assets. Conduct equipment inspection.
• Coordinate maintenance activities in JDE E1 system (or any other system implemented by Company).
• Approves requests for taking electrical equipment down for repairs, coordinates with power consumers, monitors the preparation of required docs package for the safe repair and maintenance works on the requests. Ensures proper execution of verifications, tests, and diagnostics of equipment.
• Collaborate with Operations representatives in organizing maintenance and repair work activities.
• Keep Company representatives informed of maintenance and repair work activities, progress, and plans.
• Responding to customer call-outs.
• Carry out technical supervision for acceptance into operation, inspection, and certification by state supervision authorities.
• Participate in the preparation of new projects, analyze and correct project documentation at the preliminary design stage.
• Ensure effective operation, maintenance, adjustment and timely repair of electrical equipment, instrumentation and automation equipment, fire-fighting installations APS and ASPT, gas detection and gas extinguishing systems.
2. Non-Routine E&I Maintenance, Repair:
• Prepare the plans for removing old equipment and installing new machines. Coordinating Business Partners work activities in preparation and execution.
• Respond immediately to equipment breakdowns. Coordinate the work activities between Business Partners.
• Provide technical support and training on new equipment when required or find qualified subject matter expert for consultation.
• Coordinate Business Partners overhauling and replacing parts according to schedule.
• Lead the planning for unscheduled maintenance and repair work.
• Lead the planning for tanks calibration and other activities in the area of responsibility
• Participate in acceptance of new facilities, equipment and assets.
3. Materials:
• Control Business Partner materials orders, storage, inventory (spare parts, tools, and consumables).
• Plan and submit maintenance and repair materials service orders from Company warehouse.
• Plan and submit maintenance and repair materials purchase orders via TCO Procurement Group.
4. Audits, Inspections:
• Provide technical support during audit and inspection visits.
• Provide technical support and recommendations on completion of assigned actions.
• Conduct Company internal audits, inspections to ensure readiness to internal and external audits.
5. Documentation:
• Develop and maintain procedures, instructions, programs, plans for E&I maintenance and repair activities.
• Monitor Business Partner technical documentation, maintenance procedures and work instructions.
• Maintain an accurate and complete file record of technical documentation, E&I maintenance and repair procedures, schedules, drawings, material lists, etc.
• Provide reports on E&I equipment condition, maintenance plans to Company representative upon request
• Maintain E&I technical documentation, perform monthly/quarterly/annual and long-term planning of E&I work activities.
• Develop standard operating procedures (SOP), PM checklists and PM/Equipment ACD.
6. Contracting Support:
• Participate in the development of Company Contracting Plan.
• Provide support in the preparation of bid documents, participate in bid technical evaluation.
• Provide support in contract planning and development (scope of work, compensation structure, standards, schemes, technical specifications, QAQC, KPI’s, etc.)
• Provide the support in assessing the risks associated with contract and develop mitigation plans.
• Provide the support in monitoring Business Partners performance and compliance to contract terms.
• Verify and sign Business Partner invoice support documents (timesheets, act of acceptance).
7. Safety and Compliance:
• Comply to Company safety procedures and standards.
• Comply to RoK regulation.
• Maintain training compliance in accordance with the Company training matrix.
• Check and sign Permit to Work.
• Act as Person in Charge (PIC) in Permit To Work program or other Permit to Work role as assigned by Company
• Perform the assigned role in Management of Change process (MOC development ECP-s, participate in PSSR-s, etc.)
• Participate in reviews of PPHA and measures for mitigation/elimination, as well as in the Pre-Start up Safety Reviews.
• Conduct analysis of work-related hazards and risks, development of measures for elimination and mitigation of risks.
• Contribute to the consistent management of Health, Environment, Safety, Reliability and Efficiency to achieve world-class performance in support of TCO’s Operational Excellence Strategy.
• Conduct safety meetings, inspections, on-site walk-arounds, incident reviews.
• Participate in the incident investigation process, data provision, monitors timely implementation of activities and recommendations in his area of responsibility, takes measures for prevention/elimination, participates in development of emergency response plans.
• Act as a member of the CHESM for Business Partner performance if / when required.
8. Administrative:
• Participate in meetings as per assigned Company group.