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Мужчина, 37 лет, родился 11 февраля 1988

Не ищет работу

Уральск, готов к переезду, готов к командировкам

IT Materials Coordinator- IT Analyst- IT Helpdesk Support Specialist- IT Engeneer-Project Manager

500 000  на руки

  • Аналитик
  • Руководитель группы разработки
  • Системный инженер
  • Специалист по информационной безопасности
  • Специалист технической поддержки

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 17 лет

Май 2019по настоящее время
5 лет 11 месяцев
Technological College Service

Уральск, utks.edu.kz

Образовательные учреждения... Показать еще

Deputy Director for Information Technology
- Quality control of the department. - Support for foreign VIP users. - IT performance monitoring. - Time management. - Segregation of duties among IT staff. - Maintain, support and control remote users located in other cities. - Quarterly accounting of IT equipment. - Preparation and signing of an estimate for the purchase of necessary equipment. - Notification of users about innovations and issues of cybersecurity. - Actively listened to customers, handled concerns quickly and escalated major issues to supervisor. - Installing server hardware in racks. - Weekly report on the department's performance to Regional Senior Management. Preparation and signing of an estimate for the purchase of necessary equipment. - Installation, configuration, optimization of systems of the windows family, installation, configuration of various software. - Diagnostics, assembly of system blocks, installation, laying of LAN, troubleshooting of LAN, installation, configuration of peripheral equipment. - Administration of servers of the windows family. - Proxy administration (user gate, lan2net, sams. - Mail server administration (MDaemon). - Skills in working with various antiviruses (Drweb,McAfee.VirusScan.Enterprise.v8.5.0i,Kaspersky 6.0,Symantec Norton 2005.Installation of drivers for various devices, Technical support systems in working condition. Data backup.
Октябрь 2009Апрель 2019
9 лет 7 месяцев
Technological College Service


IT Engeneer
- Installation, configuration, optimization of systems of the windows family, installation, configuration of various software. - Diagnostics, assembly of system blocks, installation, laying of LAN, troubleshooting of LAN, installation, configuration of peripheral equipment. - Teaching computer science and occupational safety
Апрель 2008Октябрь 2009
1 год 7 месяцев
LLP "Marashant"


Construction site foreman
- Responsible for construction - Implementation of the management of the production and economic activities of the site - Organization of construction and installation works in accordance with the project documentation, building codes and regulations, technical specifications and other regulatory documents - Preparation of applications for construction machines, vehicles, mechanization equipment, materials, structures, parts, tools, inventory and ensures their effective use. - Keeping records of completed works, registration of technical documentation - Preparation of the work front for subcontracting (specialized) organizations and participation in the acceptance of completed works from them


Уровни владения навыками
Продвинутый уровень
Пользователь ПК
Уровень не указан
Управление персоналом
Деловая переписка
Английский язык
Управление проектами
Руководство коллективом
Подбор персонала
Обучение персонала
Организаторские навыки
Монтаж инженерных систем
Работа с большим объемом информации
Настройка сетевых подключений
Охрана труда и техника безопасности
Производство строительно-монтажных работ
Прокладка кабелей
Проектирование и монтаж систем оповещения
Настройка почтовых серверов
Настройка серверов
Adobe Acrobat
Техническая поддержка
MS Access
Time management
Power BI

Обо мне

- Experienced IT Help desk, IT operations with over 14 years of experience. Excellent reputation for resolving problems and improving customer satisfaction. - Ready to work where I could apply all my knowledge and all my perseverance. - Knowledge of safety precautions, internal labor regulations and labor protection standards - Knowledge of 3 languages: Kazakh – Fluent. Russian – Fluent. English – Pre-intermediate Certificates: 1. Computer literacy in the framework of the program to reduce information inequality, in the Republic of Kazakhstan 2. №EMCAU-0066 organization of electronic procurement 3. «Orleu» National Center for Continuing Education 4. Certificate «Introduction to Information and Educational Technologies of the 21st of Century» 5. Certificate «Occupational Safety» 6. Certificate of honor

Высшее образование

Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Telecommunication Systems
Computing and software security (Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение ), IT Engineer
Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Telecommunication Systems
Land management, Engineer-surveyor
Uralsk College of Gas, Oil and Industry Technologies
Land Management, Surveyor Technician

Знание языков


АнглийскийB1 — Средний

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения